Download GCam Port v8.5 For All Android Phones: There is a download list of Google Camera v8.5, from here you can select the version you want to download. Modder’s name is also given at the end of the version. By clicking here you will be redirected to the direct download page.
Android Version Require | Android 10+ |
Developers | Shamim |
Version | v8.5 |
What’s New:
- Fixed slow motion for a few devices.
- Fixed crash of Samsung devices.
- Now the profile count number will be effective according to the lenses.
- Added signature in exif option in advance of libpatcher settings. You can directly input the text there. No need to input hex values.
- Fixed Color Sat Params Light and Color Sat Params Shadow options.
- Optimized upscaling codes and fixed a few bugs.
- Added hot pixel option in advanced options settings.
- Added Disable dng compressor option in advance options settings.
- Added Effect zsl frames and zsl mode hdr frame options in hdr frame settings.
- Added unblock noise modeler option in noise modelers settings and more few things.
- Fixed logical lens IDs. Default lens ids will be physical but You can use the logical lens IDs without crashing and you will be able to switch lenses without restarting. I have set physical lens ids as default because all logical lens ids are not stable enough.
- Fixed crash of a few devices.
- Fixed previously reported many bugs and more few things.
- Fixed cf1 and cf2 options from lp.
- In the Developer settings preferences type, I have added one more option on the list named modified. After selecting that only on preference changed options will be visible.
How to install GCam Port on Any Android Phone
To install the Google Camera app, Camera2API should be enabled on your phone, only then your Android phone will be able to install the Google Camera app. To check Camera2API you have to install the Manual Camera Compatibility app from the Play Store.
- Manual Focus
- Manual White Balance
- Manual ISO
- Manual Shutter Speed
- Raw Support
All these options should be a green tick, if anyone has a red tick then the Google Camera app will not work properly.

If your Android phone is Camera2API enabled, download and install the APK file from the above link.
- Go to Download Link–Download APK File–Click on Install–Allow Apps From This Source Enable.
If you face any problems while downloading the APK file, then comment to us below. If the app crashes after installing the APK file, then try a different version or contact us.